If we live long enough, we will ALL learn that change is inevitable. Some of us manage change well. Then there are those of us who perpetuate the idea that “no one likes change except a baby in a wet diaper” (Mark Twain) – we will yell and scream until others make things better/comfortable for us.
Years ago I read the book “Who Moved My Cheese” by Spencer Johnson. It was brilliant at getting a simple concept across about how we should manage change when our cheese shifts (cheese representing what we have/desire in life). We can act like “Hem” and “Haw” (two tiny humans in the book) who did not prepare for the decline in cheese and allowed their overthinking and negative attitudes get in the way of them adapting quickly; or, manage like a “Sniff” and “Scurry” – two mice who are neighbors of Hem and Haw. They realized the need to adjust and quickly started to seek other places to find cheese so that they could continue to feel fulfilled.
I’ve been in that space where change happened that I did not anticipate (e.g., changes in my direct manager as well as aligned business leaders). Was it scary? ABSOLUTELY! Not knowing if our personalities would complement one another and if they would want to change how I like to work was top of mind. Was it easy? Not always. There were times I had to discern how I could best make it work by gaining a better understanding of the new leaders’ pet peeves and adapting to their leadership style while not compromising my values.
Today, I’m in the process of a huge change and transition that I’m able to control - my retirement from corporate America. I’ve been thinking about this next chapter for probably the last two years, recognizing that what brings me joy (my cheese) at this stage in my life has changed. I’ve been exhausted from the “8:30 a.m. to infinity” days and quite frankly ready to be selfish with my time doing what I want, when I want and how I want. Becoming an entrepreneur was part of my plan to set myself up to do just this. I did my homework to ensure that I’ll be ok with what will surely be a hit financially (at first), but knowing that I will truly be living this next chapter of my life with purpose…doing what I love - partnering with people and teams to figure out how to live and operate in their purpose. I’m pumped and ready to go.
We are less than a week away from transitioning into a new year. What changes are you anticipating in 2023? Will you be like a Hem and Haw – slow to adapt when the change happens while complaining and being in a “woe is me” state of mind; or will you be like a Sniff and Scurry – seeking opportunities/ways that will allow you to grow and live a life that allows you to continue to be fulfilled. Better yet, are there things you can do to prepare yourself for the change before it happens?
You will not be able to control every change in your life (trust me), but you can control how you transition through it. If you need a partner to help you maneuver through this space, I would be honored to help you gain clarity and develop a plan knowing that your best is yet to come! If interested, you can book your complimentary 30-minute consultation on my website - https://www.mybesteveryday.com/book-online.
Cheers to a healthy and prosperous 2023!
Michelle Biggs is the Founder and CEO of My Best Every Day Coaching & Consulting, LLC.
Click the link below to learn more about Michelle.