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Just Do It!

Michelle Biggs

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

Earlier this month I read a Facebook post by Tabitha Brown (social medial personality, actress and entrepreneur) which had me reflecting and smiling about how far I’ve come in my own journey to achieve my heart's desires. I realize that I had to overcome some blockers...and thank God I did. I wonder how many of you are not living your best life because you are stuck.

You see, many of us have dreams and aspirations that we want to come to fruition. However, so often we want every “t” crossed and “I” dotted before we start. And, yes, there is a place for this in the form of doing your homework. During my workshop titled, “A Dream Fulfilled – Transforming Your Vision into Action” (held in December of each year), I discuss the importance of setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timebound which serves as a way for you to stay focused and on track as you complete the steps to make your dreams/aspirations a reality. Truth is, our dreams are often stalled because we shoot for perfectionism, fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others, and/or worse, fall into the space of self-doubt. What would happen if we all shifted to a ‘Just Do It” mindset?

For example, when I started my business, it followed after receipt of my first level certification as a life coach. However, I did nothing with my business the first two 2 years. Now, part of it was because as a strategic HR business partner by day, along with being a part of an internal cohort of certified coaches within my company, I was able to leverage my expanded knowledge and skills without having to take on external clients. Then there was the shutdown of 2020 and all the social injustices in the world that made my desire to give back and leverage my skills outside the workplace very strong.

So, how does Tabitha’s post come into play. Well, I knew I needed to get my name out there and since the world was not meeting face to face, I had to leverage social media beyond just a FB post. I was scared to death y’all of doing Facebook lives. I watched others and fell into the trap of comparing myself. I stalled, but I had a friend who encouraged me to "Just Do It" and I am thankful that I did.

You see, what was impacting my self-doubt was the fact that I was not taking into account the fact that each person had his/her own journey. Some people started as I did and what I saw was the outcome of time they spent honing in on their craft. There were also those who decided to bring on a production team from the start while others just had a natural stage presence. What I needed to do was be my authentic self, which I have always coached others to be as well. That is what my friends, staff, clients and stakeholder partners have always loved about me. I took my own advice quickly and the outcome is that I am working with clients who are truly right for me. I am also touching lives through my video podcast, “Real Conversations with Michelle,” that I never envisioned because I am speaking about topics that resonate with folks.

The lesson when we “Just Do It” is that there will ALWAYS be a lesson that we can learn. We learn how strong we are. We learn that we have the capability/ability to do things we never thought we could. We learn that there are skills that we might need to sharpen. We will even learn things that we should no longer continue to do. As long as we live, we should be learning and growing. It is through these experiences that we become better, which means we have the opportunity to impact others for the better. We get to live life with purpose. So…don’t delay. “Just Do It” and experience the blessings in your journey.

If you need assistance with getting unstuck, I've coached many through this process and would love to partner with you. As I have already shared in this blog, I have been where you are personally. You can book your complimentary appointment via my website -


Michelle Biggs is the Founder and CEO of My Best Every Day Coaching & Consulting, LLC.

To learn more about Michelle and her company, click the link below.

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